
dari hati turun ke jari

apabila hati beraksi

pantas dihantar ke otak untuk diteliti
then otak tanpa berlengah mengarahkan jejari menjalankan tugas
lalu terlahirlah port luahan dari jari jemari
semoga bermanfaat ;)

Thursday, May 02, 2013

i wanna be one of them *hope*

assalamualaikum :) i still here, can breath, can write, can see, can speak, Alhamdulillah thankful to Allah for this gift.

its been a year..last year i was a student..konon2 taking STAM la mase ni..time im still a student..but studying at a different place, different environment.

now im having my semester break, and suppose to see/meet my old friend..

many of my friends have changed..alhamdulillah in a positive way..
its a bit envious there, becouse they are changed already..where me, still stagnant like before..

seeing them wearing tudung labuh with handsox is like waa, i wanna be like them too..
i wanna wear that tudung whereelse im going..

now i understand what my seniors feel..

but, still happy for them..just pray for me to be one of them too..insyaAllah :)

see, proper je nampak kan..sejuk hati siapa yang memandang..

Monday, April 29, 2013

sape datang??

tadi ade orang datang rumah..trend kat rumah biasanya kalo ade orang askar due orang tu pg intai siapa..

then td the youngest askar yg pegi bkak pintu..sbb yg besar tgh makan nasi..

lepas die tgk sape dtg..

si kakak ni tnye la sape datang?

then, the askar yg x menjawab soalan jawab, org dtg nk jumpe abah, pastu cah oyak abah g masjid..pastu cah oyak cek ado..pastu org tu nak jumpe cek..

panjang kan jwpn die..

si kakak yg sibuk ni sape dtg? laki ke pompuan??

the askar jawab..suami ngan isteri -.-

alahai..sebbal deh

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

semester break


abis je exam
trus pecut speed 4 balek umah
pdhal balek bkn best mne pun
bosan jgk yg dpt duk umah tade buat ape2

tomorrow will be the 4th day of my holiday
sepanjang 3 hari ni memang rase macam housewife dah
duk rumah, jage rumah,
pg2 tade org
tgh hri/ptg bru ad org
mcm ni la perasaan seorang housewife
mesti bosan kan sebab buat bende same hari2
tp just same as work
buat bende same as well hari2

so conclusinye same je la kalo housewife dgn bkn housewife


p/s: tingin nak yalan2 sama ini koxen koxen...

jom la g yalang2..kan holidayyyyyy...hemmmm

Saturday, March 23, 2013

im alone

in my 119 room..
theres a girl that had leaved by her roomates..
the first roomates was leaved on thursday
the second was leaved just now..
and the third roomate not stay still in this room, she always keep missing in action
so, there is only her in that room~~~~

asal sound scary abes!!