tomorrow i'll berangkat balek to KT
leaving by myself
tssk tssk
dah la i'll be leaving
someone tu pulak sulking ngan oi
terasa hati ngn oi kott
dont know what should oi do
maybe i'll let him cool down dlu kot
tp nk cool down mende
bkan mrah ape pon rsenye..
stop there.
looking for myself
dari hati turun ke jari
apabila hati beraksi
pantas dihantar ke otak untuk diteliti
then otak tanpa berlengah mengarahkan jejari menjalankan tugas
lalu terlahirlah port luahan dari jari jemari
semoga bermanfaat ;)
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
camping time
assalamualaikum olls
long time no see this post bacground, miss this so so so much!
the last entry was at 23/8
n today is 26/12
emmm, tade la lame manee
back to the topic
actually i just back from obc
that is stand for outdoor basic camp
this time is my second camp because last sem i already join the camp
so overall
to me, my second camp is better kot
eventhough this time my group was quiet not in a good condition sometime
but, its going ok n ok n ok..
so, no problem with that
oh the best thing about this camp is
the campsite ---> jerangkang waterfall kuantan pahang
according to the plan
yes, we are going to watch the beautifull waterfall yg bertingkat tingkat
but, the cuaca was not blessed us to do so
so our journey to the waterfall is just a half maybe
sampai half ke tak taktau
but still best la
dapat mandi air terjun
yg dalam
until i must use safety jacket to mandi on that waterfall
so..........thats all about waterfall
by the way
behind the scene on road to waterfall
sempat tears a lil bit
because i was worried about my shoose
it was scary when i think about my 'haus' shose
it was scarier when i think about the track yg beselut n jalan batu yg licin sume
n it was scariest when i think that i will fall down guling2 atas track
then it was blessful because when the tears come out
no one yg nampak
n alhamdulillah
averythings going smoothly tade yg jatuh guling2 meniarap sume
in sya Allah kalau ada gamba
next time i'll share
long time no see this post bacground, miss this so so so much!
the last entry was at 23/8
n today is 26/12
emmm, tade la lame manee
back to the topic
actually i just back from obc
that is stand for outdoor basic camp
this time is my second camp because last sem i already join the camp
so overall
to me, my second camp is better kot
eventhough this time my group was quiet not in a good condition sometime
but, its going ok n ok n ok..
so, no problem with that
oh the best thing about this camp is
the campsite ---> jerangkang waterfall kuantan pahang
according to the plan
yes, we are going to watch the beautifull waterfall yg bertingkat tingkat
but, the cuaca was not blessed us to do so
so our journey to the waterfall is just a half maybe
sampai half ke tak taktau
but still best la
dapat mandi air terjun
yg dalam
until i must use safety jacket to mandi on that waterfall
so..........thats all about waterfall
by the way
behind the scene on road to waterfall
sempat tears a lil bit
because i was worried about my shoose
it was scary when i think about my 'haus' shose
it was scarier when i think about the track yg beselut n jalan batu yg licin sume
n it was scariest when i think that i will fall down guling2 atas track
then it was blessful because when the tears come out
no one yg nampak
n alhamdulillah
averythings going smoothly tade yg jatuh guling2 meniarap sume
in sya Allah kalau ada gamba
next time i'll share
Thursday, August 23, 2012
that hart
assalam alls!!
and happy eid mubarak . .
that hart . .
was taken by someone
day by day
its going to be more and more
this love cannot be return back . .
it must be looking forward . .
papai someone!!
papai alls!!
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
ahaa, experience~
assalamualaikum alls. .
how do yu dooooo??
i'm foine, tenkiiu . . .
hee(sengeh nampak gigi)
haa, fasting o not???????
pejam celik, almost 12 days already we are in this blessing month . .
hopefully, we can improve our ibadah from day to day . . insyaAllah
ok tukar feel!!
truthly speaking! i'm excited--
im going home uollss
ayam golek, colekk, air tebu, air nyo, somtam, kuih raye skit(testing), so on lah~
haila ptptn~~
ok foine . .
mingu lepas mintak duit
due mingu lepas mintak . .
mingu ni pun mintak . .
haila ptptn . .
cepatla masuk . .
mingu lepas mintak duit
due mingu lepas mintak . .
mingu ni pun mintak . .
haila ptptn . .
cepatla masuk . .
Thursday, June 21, 2012
betulkan niat wahai maciknis
hai salam semuass . .
seriously banyak dugaan dok u . .
dugaan x cukup duit terutamanya . . kan kan, hee
kadang2 tu, hari hari kene ingatkan kat diri sendiri
datang sini nak belajar cikkak oi, bukak nak buat suke2 relax2 loklah2 macam sebelum2 ye . .
commitment as a student tu yang penting kan . .
and jugak dugaan bile masuk dugaan hati . .
huhuk, bukan nak datang cari pakpak la kan shortcutnye . .
almaklumla, ramai yang henson2, bergaye macam aaron aziz . . mane tak tergugat kan . .
istighfar cepat! haha . .
so, pagi2 sebelom g kelas . .
diri depan cermin, dan cakap . .
anis, awak tu dekat u sekarang, awak tu jugak student, ur responsibility is?? study . .
give ur full commitment to study oke??! . .
study kerana Allah . . bukan sebab nak 4 flat semata je! . .
belajar untuk beribadah nis . .
and jugak untuk ibubaaa?? pa . . haa, cantu . .
tu jugak penting . . ok ye, da lambat nak g kelas da . .
say bai to cermin . .
baiiiiii . .
haa, begitulah caranya ye untuk selalu ingat pasal niat dtg sni ni . .
tu je lah . .
next week balik rumah . . yea yeah!
seriously banyak dugaan dok u . .
dugaan x cukup duit terutamanya . . kan kan, hee
kadang2 tu, hari hari kene ingatkan kat diri sendiri
datang sini nak belajar cikkak oi, bukak nak buat suke2 relax2 loklah2 macam sebelum2 ye . .
commitment as a student tu yang penting kan . .
and jugak dugaan bile masuk dugaan hati . .
huhuk, bukan nak datang cari pakpak la kan shortcutnye . .
almaklumla, ramai yang henson2, bergaye macam aaron aziz . . mane tak tergugat kan . .
istighfar cepat! haha . .
so, pagi2 sebelom g kelas . .
diri depan cermin, dan cakap . .
anis, awak tu dekat u sekarang, awak tu jugak student, ur responsibility is?? study . .
give ur full commitment to study oke??! . .
study kerana Allah . . bukan sebab nak 4 flat semata je! . .
belajar untuk beribadah nis . .
and jugak untuk ibubaaa?? pa . . haa, cantu . .
tu jugak penting . . ok ye, da lambat nak g kelas da . .
say bai to cermin . .
baiiiiii . .
haa, begitulah caranya ye untuk selalu ingat pasal niat dtg sni ni . .
tu je lah . .
next week balik rumah . . yea yeah!
Friday, June 15, 2012
oh confident
hi olls .
da lame kot x ckap kt depan . . SORANG SORANG . .
haisss, oh confident . . come to mami, come to mami . . i need u
terhingat hingat je ayat lecturer, "next week u will speak to the front, INDIVIDUALLY , any topic is accepted, but not about urself" . .
then, sume like haaaaa?? cam x caye . . bising la kejap lam kelas yg dah mcm kat puncak gunung pnye sjuk . .
so, oleh kerana confident dah mula pudar , , kene la salu ckap depan cermin mcam org gile pasni . . to get back confident yang dlu2 . . cey, ckap mcm confident gile je dlu kan . . whatever~
mcm ni, ckp skit, tgk atas . x pro langsung . .
**kwan kite ckap mate kite beeesauu . . should i be proud of it??
da lame kot x ckap kt depan . . SORANG SORANG . .
haisss, oh confident . . come to mami, come to mami . . i need u
terhingat hingat je ayat lecturer, "next week u will speak to the front, INDIVIDUALLY , any topic is accepted, but not about urself" . .
then, sume like haaaaa?? cam x caye . . bising la kejap lam kelas yg dah mcm kat puncak gunung pnye sjuk . .
so, oleh kerana confident dah mula pudar , , kene la salu ckap depan cermin mcam org gile pasni . . to get back confident yang dlu2 . . cey, ckap mcm confident gile je dlu kan . . whatever~
mcm ni, ckp skit, tgk atas . x pro langsung . .
**kwan kite ckap mate kite beeesauu . . should i be proud of it??
im back ! !
hello and assalamualaikum . .
after two weeks at uitm chendering . . im back . . homesick ke??
yea, a lil' bit kot . . the most unsatisfidenye . . bile balik tade orang , the most important person pulak tu yang takde . . mak pon, bole pulak g jalan2 time kite balik yee . . sob sob~ tapela, ade can balik lagi la napaknye . . huhu
tepi bilik ada cermin besau . . ary2 snap depan cermin dlu . . kehek, *SS* . . in full sentence syoksendiri . .
tido2 . . nunait . . ***
after two weeks at uitm chendering . . im back . . homesick ke??
yea, a lil' bit kot . . the most unsatisfidenye . . bile balik tade orang , the most important person pulak tu yang takde . . mak pon, bole pulak g jalan2 time kite balik yee . . sob sob~ tapela, ade can balik lagi la napaknye . . huhu
tepi bilik ada cermin besau . . ary2 snap depan cermin dlu . . kehek, *SS* . . in full sentence syoksendiri . .
tido2 . . nunait . . ***
Monday, April 09, 2012
graduation day ; )
salam . .
suddenly rase nak post picture time graduation day hari tu . .
okey, for those who are wondering . . graduation??? what graduation???
haa, like that . . i answer now ekk . .
mse bulan 12 hari tu saye masuk KEX . .
means karisma exploring education . .
kelas KEX ni abis dalam bulan 3 hari tu , and on 5/4 recently die pnye graduation day
and, this is the 10th graduation of KEX
so, lets explore with the pictures below okeh . . heee
ni tmpat pendaftaran, for group AMICIZIA. my group . .

ni pulak untuk group PHYZEN . .
then, this is SUPERUS . .

who is this?? hee , hai kapten . .
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ini adalah tetamu paling hensem yang hadir . . kihkihkih~ |
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ini pulak si cantik . . hee, dayu and alah . . orang kuat cert ceremony . . |

okey, jemput masuk yeee , , perasan VIP lettew . . hihihi
there u go, from left, phyzen superus amicizia . .

ni pulak, pameran model2 yang kitorang buat . .
haa, tu pon mak saye . . syok tengah tengok saya pnye lettew . . hehek, ade ke??
haa, tu ddiaaaaa . .

this is, sis marina, our tutor . . and, yang belakang tu pulak, kex 12's president . .

1/2/3 . . snap!

ok, thats me . . heee~

sume dok tgk persembahan tuu , , jom tgk skali jom~
ni diaaa, daddy and son . .
daddy, daddy, im confius, how human can exis ~ son's dialogue . .
daddy said . . soooon, didn't ur teacher teach u dis??
no dadyy . .
grrrr,okey, listen carefully. human. right hand from macca, left hend from paris
and, foot, head, eye, nose, mouth, yada yada , ,
the gojez one . . ni cite the ottoman empire pulak . .
that was sultan mohamed al-fateh . .
go sultan go !! ehek. tibe2~
haa, yang ni bes, diorang bwak kapal msuk dewan . . fuyooo . .
yess, tikam die !!

po ! po ! . . ko tembak, aku tembak ko balek . .

ni pulak, about mat salleh . .
no caption~ ; )
hidup mat salleh !!
ni lah, barisan para actor . .
maka, sudah habislah lakonan!! u alls make it very the terbaekk!! sume yang ade so touch . .
nangis tu of couse tau . . pat sedih la, pat fun, satu dewan gelak . .
tanpa yang pegang lampu ni, maka tidak jadilah lakonan tadi, penting gak lampu2 ni taw . .
heee~ time kasih acik . .

sad time . . your bonnie miss u . . hukhuk, reques tok dengar sis nyanyi lagu my bonnie . .

sing a song skali ngan sis, my bonnie lie over the ocean, my bonnie lie over the see . .
snap with kapten , for the last time . . waaaa~ sedihh nyee . .
miss karisma, miss kex, miss sis marina n kapten. miss supyhzia, miss u alls !!
Sunday, April 08, 2012
last night!!
i had a really weird dream . .
its me and someone . .
a guy . . and i know him!!
he's my friend!!
the situation is like that guy have to leave me . .
be4 he leave he meet me, and aku ckap selamat tinggl . .
aku ckp , ni je la ak boleh ckp kat die . .
kalo die girl, bolehla ak hug and salam cium2 pp . .*dlm hati
tp die laki, just to say good bye . . thats all . .
tibe2, die pegang tgn aku!! aku . . of course shock!!
i can feel his hand . . cold!!
ak mcam xleh fkir, dah la time tu parent die ade . .
tp, im not remember his parent's face . .
lepas tu, ak ingt . . aku tarik tgn ak, then, die pon pg . . ak pon sedar! . .
ape ni??? die??? ak gelak sorang2 mcam org gila . . bhahaha . .
pastu, seram pon ade, ade pulak adegan pegang2 tgn . . oh no!
bila aku tingat kat mimpi ni, ak salu gelak sorang2 . . tibe2 jd nak gelak . .
sebab kwn ak ni, ak boleh kta budk baik, alim laa, xde la nakal2, xde la gatal . .
boleh pulak pegang tgn ank dra org . . mesti la diluar waras kan . .
pastu ade pulak rse x sedap hati, sbb xde lg org yg pegang tgn aku sblom ni . .
kalo ter2 . . mcm tersentuh sipi2 tu penah la, tp kalo yg mcam ni . . huuuu, seram akuu!!
eee . . geli wehh . .
ape2 pon, mimpi ni ak akn ingt la, sebab kelakar . . hahaha, memg aku tak puas gelak lg sbnanye . .
nak je aku text kwn ak tu , tnye die, wehh, ko ade mimpi aku tak smlm?? . . haha . .
tp memg sah ptus fius la kalo ak btol2 buat . .
so, to conclude this, i would say that, mimpi memang mainan tidur . .
and aku yang bermimpi . . seriously, truely, honestly terasa dipermainkan . .
mybe, ak x bace doa kot sblom tdo smlm~
i had a really weird dream . .
its me and someone . .
a guy . . and i know him!!
he's my friend!!
the situation is like that guy have to leave me . .
be4 he leave he meet me, and aku ckap selamat tinggl . .
aku ckp , ni je la ak boleh ckp kat die . .
kalo die girl, bolehla ak hug and salam cium2 pp . .*dlm hati
tp die laki, just to say good bye . . thats all . .
tibe2, die pegang tgn aku!! aku . . of course shock!!
i can feel his hand . . cold!!
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tp, im not remember his parent's face . .
lepas tu, ak ingt . . aku tarik tgn ak, then, die pon pg . . ak pon sedar! . .
ape ni??? die??? ak gelak sorang2 mcam org gila . . bhahaha . .
pastu, seram pon ade, ade pulak adegan pegang2 tgn . . oh no!
bila aku tingat kat mimpi ni, ak salu gelak sorang2 . . tibe2 jd nak gelak . .
sebab kwn ak ni, ak boleh kta budk baik, alim laa, xde la nakal2, xde la gatal . .
boleh pulak pegang tgn ank dra org . . mesti la diluar waras kan . .
pastu ade pulak rse x sedap hati, sbb xde lg org yg pegang tgn aku sblom ni . .
kalo ter2 . . mcm tersentuh sipi2 tu penah la, tp kalo yg mcam ni . . huuuu, seram akuu!!
eee . . geli wehh . .
ape2 pon, mimpi ni ak akn ingt la, sebab kelakar . . hahaha, memg aku tak puas gelak lg sbnanye . .
nak je aku text kwn ak tu , tnye die, wehh, ko ade mimpi aku tak smlm?? . . haha . .
tp memg sah ptus fius la kalo ak btol2 buat . .
so, to conclude this, i would say that, mimpi memang mainan tidur . .
and aku yang bermimpi . . seriously, truely, honestly terasa dipermainkan . .
mybe, ak x bace doa kot sblom tdo smlm~
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haa, yang ni ak . . girl sme girl . . |
Thursday, April 05, 2012
jom tgk animasi~
assallamualaikum . .
animasi ni bukan saye yang buat . .
tapi saya ada la kot time animasi dibuat . . hee
bes tak?? hee~
saye sebagai orang yang tak berapa terlibat dalam animasi . .
nak ucapkn tengs to kawan2 . . yang sanggup berkorbn mase, tenaga, laptop korang(sampai ade yg heng)(tapi da ok da skrang kan?!!) hee, and, yang berat skali berkorban tinggal extra class sbab nak siapkn 'bende nih' . . tp, best kan dpt ponteng . . hee
then, to tcer Farah yg salu bersusah pyah untk kitorang , tengs a lot . . walaupun tgh pregnant skrang, sanggup lg uruskn kitorg yg very the notty ni . . tengs a lot,jasamu akan kami kenang sampai bila2 . . *semoga dpt baby yg soleh/solehah n comel cam kitorang . . ngee
lastly, to cik CSO n da geng, yang dtg ajar ktorang buat 'bnde nih' . .
warga animasi, SAYE(penyibok je pon)(hee), NABILAH, IMI, ANA, ZIQAH, ITRAH, AIDA, UMI, NAJIHAH, NAJIHAH yg satu lg, AISYAH, AIN, HAFISAH, IZZAH, SYIFA', spe lg ekk, da ckup kot . .
CONGRATE DAPAT 2ND PLACE . . im so proud of u all . .
animasi ni bukan saye yang buat . .
tapi saya ada la kot time animasi dibuat . . hee
040412 // pertandingan animasi zon 4 kat skolah nme ape tahh . . x kenai . .
jom tgk meh . .
bes tak?? hee~
saye sebagai orang yang tak berapa terlibat dalam animasi . .
nak ucapkn tengs to kawan2 . . yang sanggup berkorbn mase, tenaga, laptop korang(sampai ade yg heng)(tapi da ok da skrang kan?!!) hee, and, yang berat skali berkorban tinggal extra class sbab nak siapkn 'bende nih' . . tp, best kan dpt ponteng . . hee
then, to tcer Farah yg salu bersusah pyah untk kitorang , tengs a lot . . walaupun tgh pregnant skrang, sanggup lg uruskn kitorg yg very the notty ni . . tengs a lot,jasamu akan kami kenang sampai bila2 . . *semoga dpt baby yg soleh/solehah n comel cam kitorang . . ngee
lastly, to cik CSO n da geng, yang dtg ajar ktorang buat 'bnde nih' . .
warga animasi, SAYE(penyibok je pon)(hee), NABILAH, IMI, ANA, ZIQAH, ITRAH, AIDA, UMI, NAJIHAH, NAJIHAH yg satu lg, AISYAH, AIN, HAFISAH, IZZAH, SYIFA', spe lg ekk, da ckup kot . .
CONGRATE DAPAT 2ND PLACE . . im so proud of u all . .
Sunday, March 25, 2012
hows ur result ??
assalamulaikum . .
hai alls . .
today is the 4th day after result . .
Alhamdulillah, my result is not really terok . .
Alhamdulillah, my result is the good looking one . . for me :)
Alhamdulillah, my parent can accept it with their peace smile . .
Alhamdulillah, im very happy and bersyukur with this gift . .
even this is not the top one to others, ,
but, i realize, that, this is what i get, from what i had did . .
maybe, im not too serius in study, tuisyen, schooling . .
i hope, this result will remind me to . .
more serius in study . .
more ikhlas , niat for ALLAH . . the only and only ALLAH . .
more carefull in every steps i choose . .
more in every single thing . . *tamak right?? hee
next time . . InsyaAllah . . i can practice it, slowly and slowly, until it going tougher and tougher . .
past is past . . we must look forward right after this . .
what we going to do with the past guys??
its nothing anymore! . . u know?? nothing!! . .
our result is not everything . . remember that, not everything~~
if we get the bombastic result ever, then we not handle it rightly, its not useful too right??
so, what we are waiting for??
come on friends!! wake up!! be the new person . .
the person that dont want to disapointed for the second time . .
our result is not the end yet, thats the beginning . .
we, ourself, will bring that result to the right way . . to the top . .
so, handle it nice nicely . . i direct this to myself too . . im not the perfect one to say this . . but, i need this , for my self . .
Alhamdulillah, my result is not really terok . .
Alhamdulillah, my result is the good looking one . . for me :)
Alhamdulillah, my parent can accept it with their peace smile . .
Alhamdulillah, im very happy and bersyukur with this gift . .
even this is not the top one to others, ,
but, i realize, that, this is what i get, from what i had did . .
maybe, im not too serius in study, tuisyen, schooling . .
i hope, this result will remind me to . .
more serius in study . .
more ikhlas , niat for ALLAH . . the only and only ALLAH . .
more carefull in every steps i choose . .
more in every single thing . . *tamak right?? hee
next time . . InsyaAllah . . i can practice it, slowly and slowly, until it going tougher and tougher . .
past is past . . we must look forward right after this . .
what we going to do with the past guys??
its nothing anymore! . . u know?? nothing!! . .
our result is not everything . . remember that, not everything~~
if we get the bombastic result ever, then we not handle it rightly, its not useful too right??
so, what we are waiting for??
come on friends!! wake up!! be the new person . .
the person that dont want to disapointed for the second time . .
our result is not the end yet, thats the beginning . .
we, ourself, will bring that result to the right way . . to the top . .
so, handle it nice nicely . . i direct this to myself too . . im not the perfect one to say this . . but, i need this , for my self . .
good luck to you my friends~~
dont get upset yet okeh . .
love u . . miss u . . muah2!!
yeaa, dont be sad~ think positive . .
give me nice SMILE please ~ . .
yeaa . . tq .
Monday, March 19, 2012
tibe2 rase nak post picture2 . .
ok, rasenye sangt lah mengantuk ketika ini . . nak je lompat ikot tingkap yg gelap tu balik bilik and tidoooo . . tapi takut,, tinggi tu wooo . .
ehh, ape ambik akak punye tuh . . bdak ni . . memang taw . . siku kang~ HA HA
ini sesi berdebat ye . . jom battle jom!!
ok, korang meh sini . . pasword die canni . . " parang ketot " jgn ckp kat sesape . . tok kite2 jeee ok . .
nyanyi time . . kita berkenalan hanya dalam laman muka buku . . lalalaa ~ ~ ~
ok, meh dnga tazkirah sini meh . .
yang kat tgh tu, roti . . sambil bual2 sambil mkan ok . .
aku paling lebar~ why me?why me? whyy??
bai . . kem da abes . . balek umah jom~
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