assalamualaikum ,
Alhamdulillah for every breath i had all these while..
in just this week, i figure out two of my friend get married, its like "waaaaaa.." really nice to hear that, furthermore, i can see their wedding pic. very the lawa! both of them are girls, one i met at tuisyen class and the other one was my school-mate.
happy for them, they look very beautiful on the wedding day, but a bit upset there, no, its a big upset act because i not attend their wedding. if i had come, im very sure i'll totally like happy gile plus excited gile. that is not weird because im the one like that.
omaigad, cant wait for my marriage day..maybe its very too far to think about that. but, its always cross my mind -.-
just wait, the times will come. Allah have set everything. believe in Allah :)
annis pauzi
bila jari berbicara.....
dari hati turun ke jari
apabila hati beraksi
pantas dihantar ke otak untuk diteliti
then otak tanpa berlengah mengarahkan jejari menjalankan tugas
lalu terlahirlah port luahan dari jari jemari
semoga bermanfaat ;)
Friday, November 29, 2013
writing calm me down.
have u ever feel these feeling??
like something bad happen, thereee deep in heart felt the bad feeling.
and thats the time im afraid of, im afraid something bad will happen.
but i got the habit, when i felt those feeling, i'll remember my family,
so that, just now, i did a call to my mum..
alhamdulilah, it gives calmness.
talk to ur mum when u feel bad, seriously, it work. :))
soft colour gives u the peaceness.
have u ever feel these feeling??
like something bad happen, thereee deep in heart felt the bad feeling.
and thats the time im afraid of, im afraid something bad will happen.
but i got the habit, when i felt those feeling, i'll remember my family,
so that, just now, i did a call to my mum..
alhamdulilah, it gives calmness.
talk to ur mum when u feel bad, seriously, it work. :))
soft colour gives u the peaceness.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
kebosanan mendorong membuat apa sahaja :D
termasuk lah join ini!
jom kita (besar kan mata)

bnyk gile hadiah die, tp sorang satu jela..bnyk cantek nak semua..
berminat? jom click here
selamat mencuba :D
kebosanan mendorong membuat apa sahaja :D
termasuk lah join ini!
jom kita (besar kan mata)
bnyk gile hadiah die, tp sorang satu jela..bnyk cantek nak semua..
berminat? jom click here
selamat mencuba :D
Sunday, July 14, 2013
this is a symtoms
salam :D
tgh hri yang mendung. nak hujan barangkali. tp Alhamdulilah, because we are fasting right, then its ok much with this environment, at least, takdelah terase the haussnes.
bulan ramadham bulan yang mulia~ (nyanyi2)
bulan berkat...................(thu yg first je sebenanye, pastu x ingt)
ramadhan bulan menyucikan diri, syaitan dah kene penjara dah semua, so, kita yang tgh freedom ni, ape macam??
ade perubahan x?? of course not easy to move right. but, if we realize ramadhan is most suitable 'season' to change. because as we know in this month we are fasting, then, from there we can tahan nafsu makan, tahan hauss, tahan mata, telinga, mulut from here we move to something better.
maybe sebelom ni kita banyak/suke sngt buat ketupat, so mulai sekarang jom kita kurangkan, kalau nak stop terus tu rase mcm pelik sangat kan, so first2 kita kurangkan dulu. lame2 bila dah biasa, insyaAllah. kita success! jyeah!
pastu ape lg tabiat buruk kite ea,,emm emm...
haaaa, kan bile bukak puasa kan kita baca doa dulu kan?? kan?? so kite bole la keep continuously mcm ni..lepas puasa ni pon, kalau nak makan, biar kita terbiasa baca doa pun dikira perubahan.
perubahan bukan yang besa2 mcm bangun 1/3 malam solat tahajud, yg kecik2 mcam ni pun dah ok..yang penting ikhlas. Allah tak tgk surface, Allah tgk hati..betol tak? betol tak? :-)
haa, nicer kalo buat ni..jumpa dalam facebook. not mine, copy konon2 nak buat la, sbb salu bab2 schedule ni mmg rajin. tp x tebuat lg..bile ad msa free je buat bende lain..hrap2 lepas ni akan ingt..msa free-schedule ni..jyeah! jom kite.
selamat berpuasa :-)
tgh hri yang mendung. nak hujan barangkali. tp Alhamdulilah, because we are fasting right, then its ok much with this environment, at least, takdelah terase the haussnes.
bulan ramadham bulan yang mulia~ (nyanyi2)
bulan berkat...................(thu yg first je sebenanye, pastu x ingt)
ramadhan bulan menyucikan diri, syaitan dah kene penjara dah semua, so, kita yang tgh freedom ni, ape macam??
ade perubahan x?? of course not easy to move right. but, if we realize ramadhan is most suitable 'season' to change. because as we know in this month we are fasting, then, from there we can tahan nafsu makan, tahan hauss, tahan mata, telinga, mulut from here we move to something better.
maybe sebelom ni kita banyak/suke sngt buat ketupat, so mulai sekarang jom kita kurangkan, kalau nak stop terus tu rase mcm pelik sangat kan, so first2 kita kurangkan dulu. lame2 bila dah biasa, insyaAllah. kita success! jyeah!
pastu ape lg tabiat buruk kite ea,,emm emm...
haaaa, kan bile bukak puasa kan kita baca doa dulu kan?? kan?? so kite bole la keep continuously mcm ni..lepas puasa ni pon, kalau nak makan, biar kita terbiasa baca doa pun dikira perubahan.
perubahan bukan yang besa2 mcm bangun 1/3 malam solat tahajud, yg kecik2 mcam ni pun dah ok..yang penting ikhlas. Allah tak tgk surface, Allah tgk hati..betol tak? betol tak? :-)
haa, nicer kalo buat ni..jumpa dalam facebook. not mine, copy konon2 nak buat la, sbb salu bab2 schedule ni mmg rajin. tp x tebuat lg..bile ad msa free je buat bende lain..hrap2 lepas ni akan ingt..msa free-schedule ni..jyeah! jom kite.
selamat berpuasa :-)
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