salam . .
suddenly rase nak post picture time graduation day hari tu . .
okey, for those who are wondering . . graduation??? what graduation???
haa, like that . . i answer now ekk . .
mse bulan 12 hari tu saye masuk KEX . .
means karisma exploring education . .
kelas KEX ni abis dalam bulan 3 hari tu , and on 5/4 recently die pnye graduation day
and, this is the 10th graduation of KEX
so, lets explore with the pictures below okeh . . heee
ni tmpat pendaftaran, for group AMICIZIA. my group . .

ni pulak untuk group PHYZEN . .
then, this is SUPERUS . .

who is this?? hee , hai kapten . .
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ini adalah tetamu paling hensem yang hadir . . kihkihkih~ |
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ini pulak si cantik . . hee, dayu and alah . . orang kuat cert ceremony . . |

okey, jemput masuk yeee , , perasan VIP lettew . . hihihi
there u go, from left, phyzen superus amicizia . .

ni pulak, pameran model2 yang kitorang buat . .
haa, tu pon mak saye . . syok tengah tengok saya pnye lettew . . hehek, ade ke??
haa, tu ddiaaaaa . .

this is, sis marina, our tutor . . and, yang belakang tu pulak, kex 12's president . .

1/2/3 . . snap!

ok, thats me . . heee~

sume dok tgk persembahan tuu , , jom tgk skali jom~
ni diaaa, daddy and son . .
daddy, daddy, im confius, how human can exis ~ son's dialogue . .
daddy said . . soooon, didn't ur teacher teach u dis??
no dadyy . .
grrrr,okey, listen carefully. human. right hand from macca, left hend from paris
and, foot, head, eye, nose, mouth, yada yada , ,
the gojez one . . ni cite the ottoman empire pulak . .
that was sultan mohamed al-fateh . .
go sultan go !! ehek. tibe2~
haa, yang ni bes, diorang bwak kapal msuk dewan . . fuyooo . .
yess, tikam die !!

po ! po ! . . ko tembak, aku tembak ko balek . .

ni pulak, about mat salleh . .
no caption~ ; )
hidup mat salleh !!
ni lah, barisan para actor . .
maka, sudah habislah lakonan!! u alls make it very the terbaekk!! sume yang ade so touch . .
nangis tu of couse tau . . pat sedih la, pat fun, satu dewan gelak . .
tanpa yang pegang lampu ni, maka tidak jadilah lakonan tadi, penting gak lampu2 ni taw . .
heee~ time kasih acik . .

sad time . . your bonnie miss u . . hukhuk, reques tok dengar sis nyanyi lagu my bonnie . .

sing a song skali ngan sis, my bonnie lie over the ocean, my bonnie lie over the see . .
snap with kapten , for the last time . . waaaa~ sedihh nyee . .
miss karisma, miss kex, miss sis marina n kapten. miss supyhzia, miss u alls !!